Big Boy Hockey Club (BBHC) is a youth hockey club playing out of Big Boy Arena in Fraser, Michigan. Big Boy Arena's 4 ice surfaces, including its unique stadium style Priority Arena, allows Big Boy Hockey Club to provide it's teams with premium ice times and experiences no other venue can match.
Interested in coaching for Big Boy Hockey? Take a look below!
bbhc is now accepting
franchise applications!
Big Boy Hockey Club is able to offer exclusive benefits to it's teams, including but not limited to:​
4 ice surfaces under one roof
Better ice times for all age groups​
2 weekday skates per week, freeing up your weekends
Private Team Locker Rooms
Flexible Ice Schedules, including assistance for times you can't make your scheduled ice
Precision Hockey Training partnership included
Accessibility to private trainers (power skating, goalie coaching, skills, etc)
Much More!
Interested in a team? Fill out our franchise application below!

Sign up for Little Rockers, 8U or 10U House, and come to our Summer LTP for free!
2024-2025 little rockers
The Little Rockers program is designed for children ages 6 and under who are looking to make their first step in their hockey career. The program is designed to teach the children the basic fundamentals of hockey in a relaxed and fun environment. Little rockers is part of the Big Boy Hockey Club.
The Little Rockers program will consist of one practice day and one game day per week. Practice will focus on all basic skills associated with hockey – skating, shooting, passing and stick handling. Practices will be conducted in a “station based” format. In this environment, the ice will be split into small sections and players will be placed into small groups. This will increase repetitions and give the kids more attention from the coaches.
On game days, the ice will be divided into smaller playing surfaces for “Cross Ice Hockey”. This format has many advantages for young players, some of them include:
The size of the rink is proportion to the size of the players.
The smaller rink increase puck touches/puck possession.
There are fewer breaks in the action – off-sides, icing, etc.
More scoring opportunities for all players, not just the “stars”.
Each player’s activity increases greatly.
Players will become better at stick handling and passing.
Each player is required to wear full hockey equipment while on the ice. The equipment requirements are
Helmet with mask (mouth guard is optional)
Neck guard
Shoulder pads
Elbow pads
Hockey pants
Cup/Jock shorts
Shin pads
Jersey/socks (provided)
The Little rockers Program is under the direction of Mike Duche. Coach Mike is a Level 2 Certified USA Hockey Coach. He has years of travel coaching experience and will lead our instructional program going forward.

2024-2025 house teams
Registration for the 2024-2025 Hou​se hockey season has closed. If you have inquiries about joining a team, please reach out below:
Season Info
Season runs September 2024 through March 2025.
2 skates per week included.
Skate duration either 1-hour, 1.25-hour or 1.5-hour, age dependent.
Schedule can be expected in August.
Ice times will be subject to change due to Arena events (tournaments, game schedules, etc.)
Team Info
Teams are rostered using a first come, first serve manner up to the allowed 18 players and 2 goalies.
Registration will allow for more to register, either to provide a waitlist or a second team.
In the event of a second team, there will be an evaluation skate and draft to decide teams.
Teams may incur additional costs for tournaments, referees, etc. that a team manager will collect throughout the season.
Payment Info
$150 deposit is non-refundable (This covers jerseys, socks, and other association costs).
Payments are broken into 4 equal payments on 8/1, 9/1, 10/1, 11/1.
In the event your player must drop, the following refund policy will apply:
Withdrawal after September 15
25% of total yearly fee is due -
Withdrawal after October 15
50% of total yearly fee is due -
Withdrawal after November 15
75% of total yearly fee is due -
Withdrawal after December 15
100% of total yearly fee is due