One day, you may achieve a figure eight. One day, you may score your first hat trick. One day, you may race faster than ever to grab the finish line first. But what every skater takes away from lessons on the ice is so much greater. With classes for any age group, there's no better day to start than today!
Big Boy Arena now offers online registration for all Learn to Skate classes. Classes offered include:​
Snowplow Sam 1-4 (Ages 6U)
Basic 1-6 (Ages 6-18)
Check out our available class registrations and get skating today!
January 6th - February 26th
Mondays @ 6:10pm
Wednesdays @ 6:10pm
8-Weeks of Class
Note: There are no refunds for Learn to Skate Registrations
Winter LTS Semester registration now open!
Equipment needed
snow pants
rentals available
Equipment needed
25 minute class with additional 25 minutes of practice, once per week
Nametags are located on the table across from the front desk. Please return your tag to the table after class.
Evaluations are done on the last day of the class. This will let you know what level to sign up for for the next cycle.
Have Questions?